So, I have a blog where I post pictures of my kids and my family, but mostly it is just fluff stuff. A few people view it, but basically it is my version of Facebook where people can keep up with what we're doing. In all honestly I don't know if people will ever even read this unless they stumble upon it. It would be great if it would reach people who really need this message, but if nothing else it will be an online journal of my daily progress, struggles, and accomplishments. The basics about me...
1. I am a Christian. I was raised Catholic but am leaning more toward joining a non-denominational church in the near future.
2. I am married to my soulmate-he is my perfect match and we have been married for 10 years.
3. I have two amazing children-they are wild, free spirits who test me at many a turn, but who are sweet, kind, God-loving children who have the most generous hearts and I am blessed to be their mother.
4. I am a teacher. I teach at a juvenile detention facility. It is challenging at times, but the rewards are great.
5. I am an amateur photographer. I have my own business, but it is just a side business at the moment. Not sure if I would ever want it to be my sole money-making endeavor as I don't ever want it to become a chore.
6. I am an author of sorts. I have written a children's book and would love to write more-just have to find the next great inspiration.
7. I am a member of Overeaters Anonymous-guess it's not so anonymous anymore. I am also a Compulsive Overeater and a Binge Eater. I have major issues where food is concerned and struggle with it daily, and often moment-to-moment. I pray daily for these struggles to be placed in God's hands so that I might be free of them. I have topped out at 220 pounds and have lost approximately 80 pounds. I keep a food journal daily. I will probably blog my food daily-know that is probably not very exciting-but like I said I may be the only who reads this anyway.
8. In addition to keeping a food journal I also keep an exercise journal. On most workdays I get up at 5:30 am and exercise before getting ready for work. I am turning 40 this summer and am in the best shape of my life. I will probably log my daily exercise, also. Maybe someone will stumble across this blog and be inspired to follow my plan or tweak it and start their own. Would love to be an inspiration to others as I know how hard this journey can be.
9. I am a trichotillomaniac. I have pulling out my hair since I was 12. I remember the exact moment I began pulling my hair out and it has become part of my identity that I am not really fond of. It makes me self-conscious and alters my appearance negatively. In addition, I have hurt my husband by pulling my hair after I promised I would not. He stooped a negative habit for me and I would be devastated if started back, even for a moment. I owe it to him to never do it again. I pray to God daily to take the temptation away and to give me the strength to look to Him and not give in to temptation when it arises.
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