Sunday, January 31, 2016

Exercise and Food So Far

So after I only drank half of my smootie I was still hungry-surprise, surpsrise!  So I went ahead and made my lunch.  I had 1 cup of lentil soup with 2/3 cup green peas.  It was crazy delicious.  I also did my workout for the day.  It was as follows:
11 arm circles
11 arm raises
11 single chest press pulses
6 roll-ups
6 ankle reaches
6 leg lifts
6 plie squats
6 leg swings-each leg
6 side lunges-each side
6 squats + 6 from Christie's challenge
6 pointed butt lifts
6 fire hydrants
6 eagle abs
6 reverse crunches
6 Double D's
The following I did 3 Xs each:
45 jumping jacks
15 squats
50 Russian twists
:30 plank
10 standing calf raises
5 push ups
:30 Superman
10 lunges - each leg
40 crunches

Feeling Amazing

So today I started my day off by sending my family out the door to go to breakfast and to run a few errands.  None of them are too keen on attending church at this point in time, so I go solo each week and figure instead of nagging them I will lead by example and eventually they will follow.  I ate 1/2 of an English muffin with strawberry preserves on it and had a Monster Rehab during church.  When I got home I made a smoothie of 1 cup frozen fruit and 1 cup soy milk.  I drank half of it.  If I can just keep my water intake steady today then I will have ended this weekend on a high note as all of my meals for the day are already planned out.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Finishing Touches

To finish off my food for the day I had 2/3 cup brown rice and 2/3 cup green peas for dinner/  For dessert I had a sugar free dark chocolate pudding with two heaping teaspoons of sugar free Cool Whip.  I also had a cup of orange spice hot tea with Splenda.  I have already made my workout plan for tomorrow so hopefully when I wake up my day will get started off on the right foot.

Staying Strong

Ok, so I know that the first day of a new plan is usually fairly easy to follow because you're pumped up and ready to make changes, but I am still very proud of myself.  Since my workout I have eaten 1/4 of an apple and I had 1/2 whole wheat pita with turkey and pickles for lunch.  The kicker is that I am home alone with no real agenda and have not found boredom as a reason to ransack to the kitchen and pantry.  I count that as a win.

So Far, So Good

So today I have eaten 3/4 cup bran flakes with 1/2 cup light vanilla soy milk.  I have had 1/2 of a low-cal Gatorade.  Going to get started on my water intake very soon.  My workout went well today, although since it was the first day all of the reps were very low.  Since I'm used to doing more it didn't seem like enough of a workout so I added a ten-week challenge to it and did Saturday's workout today.  Here is today's workout...
10 arm circles
10 arm raises
10 single chest press pulses
5 roll-ups
5 ankle reaches
5 leg lifts
5 plie squats
5 leg swings
5 side lunges
5 squats + 30 from Christie's challenge
5 pointed butt lifts
5 fire hydrants
5 eagle abs
5 reverse crunches
5 Double D's
50 jumping jacks
20 squats
100 Russian twists
5 push ups
:60 downward dog
10 lunges (each leg)
10 side lunges
15 jack knife sit-ups
20 inner thigh lifts (each leg)

Friday, January 29, 2016

New Month, New Plan

So usually at the start of each month I try to revamp and refresh my eating and exercise.  I have worked consistently over the last three weeks and based on clothes size I am about the same, but I took a picture this morning and I think it looks more like a "before" picture than my actual before picture did.  That having been said apparently last month's workouts and eating didn't go so well. This month going to try a Pilates challenge, as well as a more clean eating regimen.  Also going to cut out diet soda-YIKES!!!  My daily Diet Mountain Dew (or three) is like my little treat to get me through the day.  On the bright side I know that this change will help me feel better and will produce better results.  I will be starting in the AM, as studies show you should not start a new plan on a Monday.  Didn't exercise this morning, so tomorrow should be a nice fresh start.  Still going to eat well today though-no reason to blow an entire day just because tomorrow is a fresh start.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Daily Food Log...So Far

Monster rehab
Low-cal Gatorade
Diet green tea
1/2 chai tea latte
Lean Cuisine potatoes with broccoli and cheese
*Dinner will be at Chuck E. Cheese tonight.  Planning on at least two plates of salad, and will resort to pizza if starving afterward-but only one slice.*

Daily Workout...I'm Baaaaaack!!!

So the last week or so we have been on a modified schedule with snow days and two-hour school delays, not to mention a weekend thrown in there.  I have gotten into the very bad habit of working out in the afternoon after lots of internal diaglogue to get motivated.  Normally I work out at 5:30 am before work.  Today I got back into my regular routine and I feel great knowing that once work is over my exercise for the day is already done.

36 push ups
90 leg lifts (front and back - left and right)
30 squats (from Christie's challenge)
30 plie squats
30 donkey kicks
30 bridges
20 fire hydrants
30 plie squats
20 lunges
50 squats
:60 plank
25 lunges
:60 wall sit
50 jumping jacks
100 boxing punches
25 lunges
25 push ups
25 squats
:60 plank
25 jumping jacks
:60 plank
25 squats
60 high knees
25 lunges
15 donkey kicks
50 crunches
10 burpees

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Daily Workout

230 squats (+25 from a friend's challenge) - 130 regular, 125 plie
34 push ups
85 leg lifts (front and back - left and right)
295 crunches (75 regular, 75 lower abs, 145 reverse)
62 leg lifts (front and back - left and right)
:110 plank
80 jumping jacks
20 calf raises
20 high knees
20 squats
20 mountain climbers
30 reverse crunches
30 russian twists
40 crunches
:15 side plank (each side)
:30 plank
7 burpees

Daily Food Log...So Far

Diet green tea
Monster Rehab
1/4 cup coffee with creamer
1/2 banana
1/2 yogurt
1/2 Lean Cuisine mushroom risotto
1/2 gluten free blueberry muffin
Diet Mountain Dew
1/2 Gatorde protein bar
Low-cal Gatorde
*For dinner I will be having a bacon cheeseburger and fries.  I have a cheat meal once a week and it is on trivia nights.  I won't be at trivia this week but I will still eat the burger.*

The Reason I Started This

One of the main reasons I started this blog, even though I wasn't sure if it would ever come to fruition, would be to help others who struggle in the same areas that I do.  While I know most people aspire to a healthy lifestyle, achieving it is a whole different ballgame.  Especially where I am concerned, it's not so much my physical inability to make changes that holds me back, it's my lazy mental attitude that keeps me propped in front of Netflix or my boredom telling my brain I'm hungry. Here are some inspirational sayings/quotes that I am finding very helpful while heading down this incredibly difficult road.

 P.S. I don't love to run (note the bottom of the picture) - I do however stand by this motto.  I refuse to quit.
This one is so true - that is why I don't intend to stop this time.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Small Victories

So today I rode to school with two bags of candy in the front seat and didn't eat any of it.  I also broke up a Hershey bar and gave it to my students today.  I threw the remaining pieces in the garbage instead of saving it for later, as I knew the temptation to munch on them would be too great.  Thank God for small victories!

Daily Food Log...So Far

Diet Mountain Dew
Low-cal Gatorade
1/2 Gatorade protein bar (during workout)
Monster Rehab
1/2 cup hot tea with Spelnda
Lean Cuisine Vermont cheddar macaroni and cheese
Low-Sodium V-8
peach water
1/2 greek yogurt
2 rice cakes with Wowbutter
string cheese
chick peas
Lean Cuisine Spinach and Artichoke ravioli
2 chocolate squares (allotted dessert)

Daily Workout

225 squats
32 pushups
140 leg raises (front and back - left and right)
:100 plank
30 jumping jacks
10 burpees
40 squats (20 added in from a friend's challenge)
30 crunches
15 standing calf raises
30 mountain climbers
15 push ups
10 tricep dips
20 lunges each leg
10 burpees
30 reverse vertical crunches
15 squats
40 russian twists
20 mountain climbers
:30 wall sit

Monday, January 25, 2016

Daily Food Log

Hot tea with Splenda
Diet Mountain Dew
1/4 cup coffee with creamer
1/2 cup frosted mini-wheats with milk
Monster Rehab
Lean Cuisine Asian Sesame Chicken
rice cakes with Wowbutter (peanut butter substitute since I am allergic)
bowl of frosted mini-wheats with milk
Diet green tea
chick peas
sweet potato fries
Weight Watchers cookie dough dessert

Daily Workout

200 squats
30 push ups
265 crunches
60 leg lifts (front and back-left and right)
The following 2 X each:
100 jumping jacks
10 crunches
10 squats
10 push ups
10 tricep dips
:30 plank
:30 wall sit
:30 upward facing dog
75 jumping jacks
10 tricep dips
10 push ups
10 squats
10 crunches
25 jumping jacks

Two-Month Mark

Today marks the second month of this new journey.  It began on November 25, 2015.  That was the day I began working out daily and making a daily log of my food intake.  I am very proud that I have kept at it for two months straight and don't foresee it stopping anytime soon.  Have been fighting a cold for two weeks now and have had a migraine for the last three days so I have been a bit slow going with getting my work outs started the last few days (i.e. not getting up at 5:30 am), but I am making sure the exercise gets done and that is what counts.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Daily Workout

28 push ups
85 leg lifts (front and back -left and right)
50 wood chops each side
200 mountain climbers
100 jump ropes
75 high knees
50 squats
25 push ups
150 jump ropes
50 lunges each leg
25 crunches
200 jump ropes
50 mountain climbers
25 leg lifts (front and back - left and right)
50 squats
:60 plank
25 lunges each leg
:60 wall sit
50 jumping jacks
100 boxing punches
25 lunges each leg
15 push ups
25 squats
:60 plank

Some Pictures of My Progress

These are blogged out of order-Blogger glitch-but here are some pictures of where I have come from and where I am now.

Me two weeks ago-January 11, 2016.
 June 3, 2015
July 9, 2009
 October 31, 2014
 December 25, 2015

Only the Beginning

So, I have a blog where I post pictures of my kids and my family, but mostly it is just fluff stuff.  A few people view it, but basically it is my version of Facebook where people can keep up with what we're doing.  In all honestly I don't know if people will ever even read this unless they stumble upon it.  It would be great if it would reach people who really need this message, but if nothing else it will be an online journal of my daily progress, struggles, and accomplishments.  The basics about me...

1. I am a Christian.  I was raised Catholic but am leaning more toward joining a non-denominational church in the near future.

2. I am married to my soulmate-he is my perfect match and we have been married for 10 years.

3.  I have two amazing children-they are wild, free spirits who test me at many a turn, but who are sweet, kind, God-loving children who have the most generous hearts and I am blessed to be their mother.

4.  I am a teacher.  I teach at a juvenile detention facility.  It is challenging at times, but the rewards are great.

5.  I am an amateur photographer.  I have my own business, but it is just a side business at the moment.  Not sure if I would ever want it to be my sole money-making endeavor as I don't ever want it to become a chore.

6.  I am an author of sorts.  I have written a children's book and would love to write more-just have to find the next great inspiration.

7.  I am a member of Overeaters Anonymous-guess it's not so anonymous anymore.  I am also a Compulsive Overeater and a Binge Eater.  I have major issues where food is concerned and struggle with it daily, and often moment-to-moment.  I pray daily for these struggles to be placed in God's hands so that I might be free of them.  I have topped out at 220 pounds and have lost approximately 80 pounds.  I keep a food journal daily.  I will probably blog my food daily-know that is probably not very exciting-but like I said I may be the only who reads this anyway.

8.  In addition to keeping a food journal I also keep an exercise journal. On most workdays I get up at 5:30 am and exercise before getting ready for work.  I am turning 40 this summer and am in the best shape of my life.  I will probably log my daily exercise, also.  Maybe someone will stumble across this blog and be inspired to follow my plan or tweak it and start their own.  Would love to be an inspiration to others as I know how hard this journey can be.

9.  I am a trichotillomaniac.  I have pulling out my hair since I was 12.  I remember the exact moment I began pulling my hair out and it has become part of my identity that I am not really fond of.  It makes me self-conscious and alters my appearance negatively.  In addition, I have hurt my husband by pulling my hair after I promised I would not.  He stooped a negative habit for me and I would be devastated if started back, even for a moment.  I owe it to him to never do it again.  I pray to God daily to take the temptation away and to give me the strength to look to Him and not give in to temptation when it arises.