Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Feeling Amazing Despite...

So yesterday everyone in our household got a new bed.  The kids got new twin beds on the floor (they had loft beds before) and Dan and I traded in our SleepNumber bed that we have had for close to 9 years for a new icomfort mattress.  Dan fell asleep almost immediately and based on his snoring (love him dearly but he did) he slept great.  I, on the other hand, felt like an insomniac.  Sleep was incredibly elusive last night.  Not sure if it was the new mattress or if I just wasn't tired.  I like a soft mattress and this new one is like sleeping at the morgue.  Am sure I will get used to it, either that or I will be couching it a lot.  Despite my sleepless evening I was eager to get up at 5:30 am and exercise and feel oddly energetic today.  Perhaps in the past I have been getting too much sleep and 5 hours is the magic number I need each night.

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