Thursday, August 11, 2016

And She's Off and Running...

So today I finally got down to brass tacks with my food and exercise.  I have monitored my food very well today and had amazing restraint when it came to bingeing and/or overeating.  Here is the exercise plan I followed today.  Feeling amazing!

295 crunches
62 leg raises
110 second plank

2X 20 calf raises
      20 high knees
      20 plie squats
      30 russian twists
      40 crunches
      30 reverse crunches
      20 mountain climbers

3X 30 tricep dips

2X 15 squats
      40 second plank
      30 crunches
      25 lunges
      35 second wall sit
      25 butt kicks
      15 push ups

100 oblique crunches

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Fighting Myself

So this morning I woke at 2:30 AM wide-eyed.  As I was lying in bed I started to psychoanalyze - never a smart idea in the wee hours of the morning when you're fighting insomnia - and realized how much more thin, fit, and healthy I was last summer.  I made much better food choices and was a beast when it came to working out.  Decided I need to get back on track so I came up with an eating plan and made the decision to start working out hard again today.  I even mentally picked out my exercise outfit - socks included.  Finally drifted back to sleep and now the sun is up and I am lying in bed trying to get motivated to exercise and I'm  How can a few hours, some of which were spent sleeping, make such a difference in mindset?  And not in a good way.  Anyone else struggle with this?  Ugh!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2016

12 Steps

Am starting back full force with the Overeaters Anonymous book and its 12 step program.  Ate badly the past few days while on vacation, as well as the days preceding our departure, and really need to get back on course with full force.  Ready to tackle this mountain with God's Divine help.